When we got to the house it turned out to be a bit done up, well more than I wanted it to be; still i thought i might as well use it as a starting point as sort of my observational photos. After getting over this mini wall with great difficulty we managed to open up one of the doors and get in. There was a good source of light available due to the time of day and big windows. I didn't really get to experiment a lot with the light or the camera settings due to the fact we were trespassing and the floors upstairs didn't look stable; so my initial idea was to get photos as fast as possible without even worrying about the settings. However I did try as much as I could to create specific compositions in the frame when shooting the photos.
My photos didn't come out the best obviously, so when doing my next shoot I need to consider the location more, and try to find a place which is available to fit my needs. I think that I shouldn't restrict it to just buildings but any other areas which give off a sense of abandonment and dereliction; for example old car parks, under bridges etc. Also I need to make use of a tripod to obtain better images.
Below are some of the images from my shoot. I've edited them slightly to try and create more of a mood and atmosphere. By editing the contrast the images look sharper and less flat, this helps to add texture to the surface which as a result makes the images more realistic. I have also altered the saturation and hue to add sort of a blue tone. I think that this works well as it creates a dark and cold atmosphere which instantly adds impact. This can mainly be seen in the second picture; this works well here as you can't directly see the mans face so this along with the way he's positioned instantly in my mind adds a sense of mystery and makes you question the mans identity and his story if there is one. Why is there someone like him, someone that appears well off in that environment? Why does he appear sad? Is he sad? Does he have any connection to that place? Also in that picture I like the composition. I think if I was to zoom in and fill the frame with just the main subject it wouldn't be as effective. The empty space which is left directly under, adds to the gloomy and lonely atmosphere.